Security Practices

Security Practices

Effective date: 16th September 2021

We take the security of your data very seriously at Feel Good Hub. As transparency is one of the principles on which our company is built, we aim to be as clear and open as we can about the way we handle security.

If you have additional questions regarding security, we are happy to answer them. Please write to and we will respond as quickly as we can.


We place strict controls over our employees’ access to the data you and your users make available via the Feel Good Hub services, as more specifically defined in your agreement with Feel Good Hub covering the use of the Slack services (“Customer Data”). The operation of the Feel Good Hub services requires that some employees have access to the systems which store and process Customer Data. For example, in order to diagnose a problem you are having with the Feel Good Hub services, we may need to access your Customer Data. These employees are prohibited from using these permissions to view Customer Data unless it is necessary to do so. We have technical controls and audit policies in place to ensure that any access to Customer Data is logged.

All of our employees and contract personnel are bound by our policies regarding Customer Data and we treat these issues as matters of the highest importance within our company.

Personnel practices

Feel Good Hub conducts background checks on all employees before employment and employees receive privacy and security training during onboarding as well as on an ongoing basis. All employees are required to read and sign our comprehensive information security policy covering the security, availability and confidentiality of the Feel Good Hub services.


The following security-related audits and certifications are applicable to the Feel Good Hub services:

  • ISO 27001 and ISO 9001: Feel Good Hub is owned and operated by Ember Technology who have achieved ISO 27001 and ISO 9001 compliance.  

The environment that hosts the Feel Good Hub services maintains multiple certifications for its data centres, including ISO 27001 compliance, FedRAMP authorisation, PCI certification and SOC reports. For more information about their certification and compliance, please visit the AWS Security websiteAWS Compliance websiteGoogle Security website and Google Compliance website.

Security features for team members & administrators

In addition to the work we do at the infrastructure level, we provide Team Administrators and Administrators of Group Hubs services with additional tools to enable their own users to protect their Customer Data.

Access logging

Detailed access logs are available both to users and administrators of paid teams. We log every time an account signs in, noting the type of device used and the IP address of the connection.

Team Administrators and Administrators of Group Hubs services can review consolidated access logs for their whole team. We also make it easy for administrators to remotely terminate all connections and sign out all devices authenticated to the Feel Good Hub services at any time, on demand.

Data retention

Owners of Group Hubs can request their own retention policies through getting in touch with us through our support email 

Deletion of customer data

Feel Good Hub provides the option for Group Hub Owners to delete Customer Data at any time during a subscription term. Within 24 hours of Group Hub Owner-initiated deletion, Feel Good Hub hard deletes all information from currently running production systems (excluding team and channel names and search terms embedded in URLs in web server access logs). 

Return of customer data

Information about the export capabilities of the Feel Good Hub services can be requested by getting in touch through our support email

Data encryption in transit and at rest

The Feel Good Hub services support the latest recommended secure cypher suites and protocols to encrypt all traffic in transit. Customer Data is encrypted at rest.

We monitor the changing cryptographic landscape closely and work promptly to upgrade the service to respond to new cryptographic weaknesses as they are discovered and implement best practices as they evolve. For encryption in transit, we do this while also balancing the need for compatibility with older clients.


We understand that you rely on the Feel Good Hub services to work. We’re committed to making Feel Good Hub a highly available service that you can rely on. Our infrastructure runs on systems that are fault-tolerant, for failures of individual servers or even entire data centres. Our operations team tests disaster recovery measures regularly and has a 24-hour on-call team to quickly resolve unexpected incidents.

Disaster recovery

Customer Data is stored redundantly in multiple locations in our hosting provider’s data centres to ensure availability. We have well-tested backup and restoration procedures which allow recovery from a major disaster. Customer Data and our source code are automatically backed up every night. The operations team is alerted in the event of a failure in this system. Backups are fully tested at least every 90 days to confirm that our processes and tools work as expected.

Network protection

In addition to sophisticated system monitoring and logging, we have implemented two-factor authentication for all server access across our production environment. Firewalls are configured according to industry best practices and unnecessary ports are blocked by configuration with AWS security groups.

Host management

We perform automated vulnerability scans on our production hosts and remediate any findings that present a risk to our environment. We enforce screen lockouts and the use of full disk encryption for company laptops.


Feel Good Hub maintains an extensive centralised logging environment in its production environment which contains information pertaining to security, monitoring, availability, access and other metrics about the Slack services. These logs are analysed for security events via automated monitoring software, overseen by the security team.

Incident management & response

In the event of a security breach, Feel Good Hub will promptly notify you of any unauthorised access to your Customer Data. Feel Good Hub has incident management policies and procedures in place to handle such an event.

External security audits

We engage respected external security firms who perform regular audits of the Feel Good Hub services to verify that our security practices are sound and to monitor the Feel Good Hub services for new vulnerabilities discovered by the security research community. In addition to periodic and targeted audits of the Feel Good Hub services and features, we also employ the use of continuous hybrid automated scanning of our web platform.

Product security practices

New features, functionality and design changes go through a security review process facilitated by the security team. In addition, our code is audited with automated static analysis software, tested and manually peer-reviewed prior to being deployed to production. The security team works closely with development teams to resolve any additional security concerns that may arise during development. 

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